
Diagnosing The Grind: Three Sensory Steps To Troubleshooting Your Heavy Machinery Gearbox

Heavy machinery is often the backbone of a business, and when it's not working right, the downtime to fix the machine will cost your business money. While some heavy machinery gearbox issues can be avoided with regular preventative maintenance, it is up to you as the business owner to know when it is time to call in a gearbox mechanic before things go extremely wrong. Leaving heavy machinery to continue running when the gearbox is giving you grief will only earn you a bigger repair bill.

Raise Your Home with Style: 5 Fun Designs and Ideas for Raised Houses

Whether you are building a raised home from scratch or modifying your current home, there are a range of styles you can embrace. Keep in mind that a raised home does not need to look utilitarian or boring, and it also doesn't have to be based on the traditional Queenslander, one of the first styles of raised homes in Australia. Stumped for ideas? To get your creativity flowing, here are five stylistically diverse raised housing ideas and designs to consider:

Annoyed By Graffiti? What To Do When It Strikes Your Business

While some graffiti has a lot of thought put into the design, most is just vandalism of buildings. Graffiti continues to be a problem for many businesses in Queensland, but there are a few things you can do to deal with this nationwide problem. Now that you are dealing with this issue yourself, you need to put these three tips to immediate use so that you can deal with the current problem, and also hopefully prevent it from happening again.