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Grade Control: Should You Select Reverse Circulation Drilling?

If you are planning on performing a grade control drilling project, you should consider choosing reverse circulation drilling over the conventional diamond core drilling. The RC drilling method uses dual wall rods during the boring process. In simple terms, the structure has an outer drill rod and an inner tube.

During the drilling process, the drill bit, which is made from tungsten-steel, crushes the substrate and produces sample rock cuttings. These samples are then pushed up through the inner tubes using compressed air and collected at the ground level. If you are uncertain about the advantages of reverse circulation drilling in grade control, consider the outlined potential benefits.

Clean Samples

When performing grade control drilling, it is critical for the samples collected to have minimal contamination. Cross-contamination of the rock cuttings could lead to the wrong conclusions about the area being explored. Moreover, it is essential to ensure that the samples are correctly catalogued with the right details on the depth at which the samples were obtained.

Reverse circulation drilling guarantees the fulfilment of these requirements. In simple terms, once the drilling bit cuts the rock, the samples are directly pushed up the inner tube and gathered in clean bags. Therefore, there is minimal risk of cross-contamination. Also, the equipment will provide exact depth of drilling, and it will be included in the sample details. You will know the precise depths at which mineral deposits can be found.

High Production

The design of the reverse circulation drill allows for faster penetration of the ground. In simple terms, the drilling features, including the tungsten-steel bit and dual wall structure, combine and ensure that the land can be bored at a fast rate, comparable to an open drilling technique. The speed of sample collection through RC drilling reduces the total amount of time required for grade control. Also, the results from the sample testing will be revealed faster than with diamond core drilling or other conventional methods. Consequently, you can proceed with your mining project.

Cost Savings

Drilling for grade control can be an expensive undertaking. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that you have taken the most suitable measures to reduce your total expenses. One of the beneficial processes is reducing your usage of water. RC drilling is a straightforward technique which primarily uses the tungsten-steel bit to break the ground. Therefore, only a little water is needed for collection of samples. The alternative diamond core drilling requires water to prevent the damage of the bits and to keep the drill cool. 

For more information about this process, speak with a local grade control drilling contractor.
