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Fibre Optic Cabling: Potential Causes of Data Transmission Inefficiencies

Because fibre optic cable can overcome most of the major problems, like corrosion and electromagnetic interference (EMI) that plagued traditional copper cable, it has quickly become a popular media of data transmission in most data centres across Australia. But like its predecessor, fibre optic cable is not invulnerable to all of the problems that can reduce the efficiency of data transmission at a data centre.

Let us take a look at some of the problems that still have the potential to undermine the efficiency of data transmission at facilities using fibre optic cable and how these problems can be managed. 

Excess cable length

Fibre optic cables come in a range of different lengths and it is up to the installer to measure the right length for each installation. If a fibre optic cable has excess length on it once a connection has been made, it may easily bend or twist around itself. This can cause permanent damage to the fibres inside the cable. When this happens, Internet users will be unable to get optimal data transmission service from their data cabling infrastructure. The best way to prevent this problem is to measure the distance between connections so as to correctly estimate the required cable length. 


When some installers realise that the cable they have is too short to make the required connection, they stretch the cable across the distance it need to run. This does more harm than good because the fibres within the fibre optic cable are delicate and can easily get damaged when they are stretched. This can be avoided by using cable of appropriate length at all times. Stretching can also happen when components in the data centre are moved without disconnecting the cables first. All attached cables should be disconnected on both ends first before when it is time to move any connected components. 


One of the major reasons why the introduction of fibre optic cable as a substitute for copper cable was easily embraced by Internet users in Australia was because the latter was and still remains highly susceptible to theft and vandalism. This is because of the significant economic value attached to copper wire. While fibre optic cables are less prone to theft, they are vulnerable to vandals who may intentionally sever the cables to test the waters. The result, of course, is negative — lots of homes, businesses and other Internet users end up being cut off the Internet. Unfortunately, it is squarely up to law enforcement agents to discourage the vice by catching the culprits and taking them to court.
